7 months…part two (inside shots)

..these past few weeks have been awesome. We have started to wear and eat some fruits and veggies..So far she has liked about everything we have made for her. All i know is she loves to eat, and at a whopping 13 lbs.at her 6 month check up, that is a good thing. She is super healthy and happy thanks to the love and nourishment her mom surrounds and provides her with on a daily basis. This journey has been amazing. Oh yeah, her first words were “da da”. …I’ll take it.

7 months…part two (inside shots)

7 months..Part one (outside pictures)

Bean is getting big. Oh my. Oh my. She screams, she laughs, she plays… The advancements are mind boggling. Everyday she is doing something new. For the most part she can keep herself sitting up, can connect her rolls, and is being so expressive in how she is interacting. I have been super busy trying to run a restaurant and have let these sit for longer than have wanted but here she is again, the #worldscutestbaby …..
